Do you sleep on it?


We spend a lot of time choosing a mattress, but is it the same as when we look for a pillow? A healthy and restful rest also depends on the pillow we sleep with. Some people consider it so important that they do not sleep without it wherever they are, as it is a very personal element, taking it on the road as a faithful companion. We spend a lot of time sleeping, for this reason it is essential that both the mattress and the pillow, base or sheets are to our liking and allow us to have a good rest. A good choice when buying a pillow can help us avoid:

  • Back, neck and shoulder pain.
  • Insomnia.
  • Breathing problems.
  • Sneezing.
  • Snoring.
  • Having nightmares.
  • Poor blood circulation.

According to ASOCAMA (Spanish Bed Association), if we want to get it right when buying a pillow, it has to maintain the natural position of our spine. The posture we adopt when we sleep and our physical constitution are two aspects that we must take into account when choosing a pillow. What is your posture?

  • Face up: The best pillow is the one with an intermediate thickness and firmness, since the part of the head that is supported is the nape of the neck and the cervical vertebrae need to rest.
  • Face down: The best pillow has to be soft and thin, because if they are too hard they hinder our breathing.
  • Sideways: If the pillow we buy is too hard, we will force the neck and cause it to be elevated. On the other hand, if it is too soft, the neck will fall and the spine will not be aligned. We can say that an intermediate pillow is what we need.

There are different materials for the manufacture of a pillow:

  • Latex: Its texture is soft and pleasant, providing a great feeling of comfort, breathability and hygiene.
  • Fiber: Pillows made of this material are cool and breathable. The air circulates inside the pillow and thus the humidity is absorbed better, they are a good option for those people who spend a lot of heat, besides it is possible to wash them for a better hygiene.
  • Viscoelastic: Its adaptation to the head is perfect, these pillows are thermo-sensitive.

And you, are you happy with your dream partner? 😴 discover our catalog if you want to buy pillow.