If you work from home, the idea of working remotely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic may seem quite novel but teleworking from bed is not recommended, this should not be your new office. You don't get up too early, you don't have to think about what to wear, you...
The purest and safest rest – Sanitized AG Treatment
We have had to be part of history and these are difficult times for all of us, from Naturalia® Poligón our goal is to offer the purest and safest rest. To achieve this, we are incorporating the Sanitized® AG treatment to some mattress models. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ What is Sanitized®...
Getting a good night’s sleep in times of COVID-19
Popular culture says that we should get into bed when the going gets tough. It's a popular saying but it actually has some truth to it. When we sleep well we are better able to deal with worries and anxieties, facing problems in a better mood. We think sharper and can...